Thursday, July 22, 2010

Buzz Around Town

I'm a huge fan of my city. I really can't imagine living anywhere else...maybe that's because I hardly ever have....any ways, Houston is amazing. Besides the horrible humidity every summer, I give Houston three clicks of my ruby slippers. (Please tell you got that reference!)

So the buzz around H-Town is a corpse flower names Lois. Yes, you read correctly, a corpse flower. There has only been 29 of them in America and, surprise, surprise, Houston has one growing the at the Museum of Natural Science. I should explain that it's called the corpse flower because when it opens, it gives of an odor resembling a dead corpse. Explorers long ago actually thought it was a man-eating plant. (Ironic, when Little Shop of Horrors is playing just across the street at Miller Theater!) It only blooms once every 30 years and it's the (insert 'movie trailer voice') LARGEST FLOWER EVER.

They have been watching this thing like a hawk. As of yesterday, here is a video of what it looks like:

The Beginning of the Bloom [Corpse Flower] 7.21.10 from HMNS on Vimeo.

They even have a 24 hour Web Cam' that you can keep up with the blooming of Lois. She's taking such a long time they have nick-named her Slow-is. Maybe Jason and I will get to go see her, but I've heard the line is crazy long. We'll, see.

"Don't Feed The Plants"
from Little Shop of Horrors

They may offer you fortune and fame,
Love and money and instant acclaim,
But whatever they offer you
Don't feed the plant!

They may offer you lots of cheap thrills
Fancy condos in Beverly Hills
But whatever they offer you
Don't feed the plant!


  1. The museum, or at least the garden part of it is open 24hrs now so that as many people as possible can see the flower. The curator I heard on the radio said lines are shorter and parking is more readily available at times like 2am. You could try that.

  2. I was in town (very briefly!) this weekend and tried to convince the fam to go see it...alas, they did not want to stand in line for 3 hours and pay $8 to smell the rotting corpse flower. Please update if you end up going!!
